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In an effort to show some of the behind the scenes from the Board’s perspective, we will be posting vendor quotes here with their status/prices/notes. Many of these things would be informational only, just to gauge future prospects. Per Board guidelines provided to Goodwin Mgmt, if general maintenance issues occur, and they fall below a preset threshold, The Board will be notified and work will be completed. Items like this include failed lights, broken items in the pool bathrooms, etc.


#CategoryNameRequest dateReceive dateStatusPriceDetailsComments/Notes
001LandscapingIsland re-grade6/30/20177/25/2017pending quote update$17,450.00Remove plants, existing mulch and fill build up leveling the area
Live Oak, crepe myrtle tree trimming
Removing metal edging, irrigation
Sod repair/touch up areas
requested per-island quotes to plan a "phased" approach.
002LandscapingIsland & Right of Way makeover6/30/20177/25/2017pending board review$8950.00this is a line-item of the quote #001
003LandscapingTop Rock Park makeover6/30/20177/25/2017pending board review$6910.00this park has overgrown plants, which need to be replaced.needs a revisit to lower costs. possibly reduce number of items planted
005Landscapingstone wall facing 14316/30/20177/25/2017pending board review$2300Prune primrose jasmine ,trim live oak
tree ,remove small trees and debris
006Landscapingpool/park makeover6/30/20177/26/2017pending board review$4205.52Tree trimming – inside pool area and parking lot
Boxwood /Primrose bed- remove old mulch &
Outside parking lot – remove 15 Maiden grass
and hauloff
Remove corner shrub right outside the pool area
007Landscapingphase 1 "trail" (green line)6/30/20177/25/2017pending board review$5550.00properly build a trail system in greenbelt area
008Landscapingphase 2 "trail" (blue line)6/30/20177/26/2017board has tabled this item as a future "wishlist" item$15,533.87properly build a trail system in greenbelt area
009Landscapingphase 3 "trail" (orange line) 6/30/20177/26/2017board has tabled this item as a future "wishlist" item$14,613.65properly build a trail system in greenbelt area
010Electricalreplacing power pole w/ nice light pole at top rock park6/30/20177/26/2017pending updated material list$675original quote did not show type of light or pole. we want something that matches the entrance, but is not too bright.
011Electricalinstalling a light facing the upper passage park6/15/2017
025Pool- chairsNew matching chaise & chairs.5/15/2017
013Pool- poolhouseVent in roof above server cabinet5/15/2017
019General Maint- poolhouseFencing needs to be re-enforced.6/30/2017


#CategoryNameRequest dateReceive dateStatusPriceDetailsComments/Notes
014Electrical- poolhousesome electrical receptacles at the pool need replacing5/15/20177/26/2017approved, pending completion$275
015General Maint- poolhousesome electrical receptacles covers need replacing5/15/2017approved, pending completioninc in quote 014
016General Maint- poolhousepoolhouse lighting5/15/2017??approved, pending completionsome recessed lights did not have covers. half the lights warm color, half cool colors rectified, missing covers replaced. one recessed light does not match the new/replaced lights
024General Maint- poolkiddie pool cover pole paint8/19/20178/21/2017approved, pending completion$800Sand pool poles to remove rust to natural metal, apply bond-o
Add filler to replace metal, sand to finish and paint
025LandscapingTop rock park. tree trimming split from 0037/26/20178/25/2017approved, pending completion$2868.63
004LandscapingTop Rock Park drainage issue6/30/20179/7/2017approved, pending completion$1150.00
022Pool- Securityupgrade access system7/15/20179/13/2017approved, pending completion$2,110.88


#CategoryNameRequest dateReceive dateStatusPriceDetailsComments/Notes
012Pool- plumbingthermowell install6/30/2017approved, complete
020Pool- Securityupgrade video/dvr system and install PA system4/10/20174/26/2017approved, complete$4,464.23
021Pool- Securityreplace exit barapproved, completeinc in quote #020
023Landscapinggeneral scheduled maint6/30/20178/1/2017approved, ongoing$2760.38/mo
017Electricalisland lighting issues6/15/2017approved, complete
018ElectricalPool parking lot lights out8/7/2017approved, complete

Trail phases: